Waking up day after day to dark cloudy skies, can impact not only your mood, but also your movement. At a time when it becomes even more important to get up and get moving, it can take more effort. The reasons however, to put your best foot forward and get mobile, are really worth your time and consideration.
Why? Well, let’s look at a few simple facts.
Did you know that…?
Research has proven that when you sit up straight in your chair, it boosts your confidence!

Standing up, stretching your arms up to the sky and taking a deep breath, decreases stress and anxiety, increases your pain tolerance and your feelings of power.

Individuals who exercise for 30 minutes are much better equipped to overcome sadness and regulate difficult emotions.

Just 5 minutes at a park or on a nature trail (whether the sky is gray or not!) enhances your mental health and can put a smile on your face.

Making the choice to get outside, walk, swing your arms, pull your shoulders back, and put a spring in your step, decreases stress hormones, increases immunities, lowers bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and raises good cholesterol!

So now that you know how much movement can help you feel good, put down your phone or walk away from your computer or tablet. Get up and move your body! Don’t let those gray sky blues bring you down. Let movement improve your mood! Share with us, how did movement help you?