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Dealing with Dizziness: What You Need to Know

Dizziness can be unsettling and limit your day-to-day activities. While it can sometimes be a sign of something serious, physical therapy helps address many dizziness-related issues once serious conditions are ruled out.


When to Seek Emergency Care

Dizziness can sometimes signal a critical issue. If you suddenly feel dizzy and experience any of the following, call 911 or go to the emergency room right away:


  • Facial droop

  • Confusion

  • Slurred speech

  • Numbness in your face, arm, or hands

  • Double vision

  • Vomiting

  • Inability to stand

  • Severe headache or neck pain without a known cause


If you don’t have these symptoms, it’s still a good idea to follow up with your family doctor. They can help figure out what’s causing your dizziness and might refer you to a specialist like a neurologist, ENT, or physical therapist.


Understanding Dizziness

Dizziness can mean different things, like:

  • Vertigo: Feeling like the room is spinning.

  • Disequilibrium: Feeling like you’re about to lose your balance.

  • Lightheadedness: Feeling floaty, woozy, or like you might pass out.


Common Causes of Dizziness

1.    Orthostatic Hypotension:

o   Symptoms: Lightheadedness or dizziness when sitting up or standing, which gets better after a short time.

o  Causes: Dehydration, medication interactions, alcohol, and aging.

o  Treatment: Physical therapy can provide exercises to help reduce these symptoms.


2.    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV):

o   Symptoms: Vertigo triggered by specific head movements, which usually goes away within 60 seconds.

o   Treatment: Physical therapists can perform repositioning maneuvers to help alleviate symptoms.


3.    Vestibular Hypofunction:

o   Symptoms: Sudden or gradual onset of vertigo and lightheadedness, with later stages showing disequilibrium and imbalance.

o   Causes: Impaired vestibular nerve.

o   Treatment: Exercises to improve vestibular function, focusing on gaze stabilization and balance.


4.    Central Vestibular Dysfunction:

o   Symptoms: Chronic dizziness.

o   Causes: Stroke, vestibular migraines, head trauma.

o   Treatment: Strategies to help you compensate and improve daily activities and balance.


5.    Cervicogenic Dizziness/Migraines:

o   Symptoms: Dizziness with neck pain, loss of neck motion, and headaches.

o   Treatment: Physical therapy to improve neck mobility, reduce muscle tension, and enhance posture.


6.    Gait Imbalance:

o   Symptoms: Feeling off-balance and unsteady, often due to aging and loss of muscle strength.

o   Treatment: Exercises to boost strength and balance.


Experience Comprehensive Care with David Gilboe and Associates


At David Gilboe and Associates, we understand how frustrating dizziness can be. Our team has years of experience in providing specialized therapy services to tackle dizziness and its causes. We offer personalized treatment plans designed to improve your quality of life. Whether you need vestibular rehabilitation, balance training, or specific exercises, we’re here to help you find stability and confidence. Schedule your consultation today.

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