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Tel: 586-779-8892
& Occupational
23161 Greater Mack Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Your Smart Phone Could Be Rapidly Aging Your Spine
Chances are that you probably haven’t given much thought to how your neck and back are faring in the era of the smart phone, but studies...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Our Christmas Wishes for You!
Our patients, friends, and colleagues, we are most grateful for the opportunity to provide physical and occupational therapy to our...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Can Physical Therapy Help Me Avoid Surgery?
One of the more common questions we are asked is, “Can physical therapy help me avoid surgery?” Out of respect for how different each...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Playing Football Safely: Insight for Parents
It’s that time of year; the kids are back in school, the leaves are just beginning to change colors, and football season has begun....

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Good Back Care: Prep for a New School Year
As parents and grandparents help students (young and older) prepare for the upcoming new school year, a little information about the...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
HEAT WAVE INSIGHT: Protecting Yourself & Your Loved Ones
We appreciate our patients and followers and are hopeful that you are moving through this recent heat wave safely. As the heat index...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Joint replacement surgeries like knee and hip replacements are on the rise. With many Baby Boomers approaching their 70s, this trend is...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Thoughtful Support - Children, Summer Sports & Back Pain
One of the most cherished gifts you can give a child, are memories of you sitting in the bleachers at their games cheering them on. The...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
YARD WORK AHEAD: How to Keep the Spring in Your Step
As we head into early spring and prepare to clean up our lawns and gardens, it’s a good idea to remember how to take care of our bodies...

David Gilboe & Associates
3 min read
ATTENTION SKIERS! Get On the Slopes & Stay On the Slopes
We are now in the heart of ski season and have patients coming in with ski injuries. As we help these patients heal their injuries, we...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Dispelling the Myth: PT Isn't Just for Senior Citizens
It is a common myth that physical therapy is just for senior citizens. While seniors clearly experience an improvement in the quality of...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Gray Sky Blues: Movement & Mood!
Waking up day after day to dark cloudy skies, can impact not only your mood, but also your movement. At a time when it becomes even more...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Low Back Pain? 3 Main Causes You Want to Avoid
Most healthcare professionals would agree that back pain is a complicated issue. While up to 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
What is Dementia? How Does Rehabilitation Therapy Help?
Getting older can be scary. We worry about weaker bones and osteoporosis. We worry about losing our balance and falling, which can lead...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Solid Support for Runners
Running regularly or competitively can be one of the most exhilarating experiences a person can have. Runners who enjoy the thrill of...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Why Are Young Athletes Burning Out of Sports?
There are many reasons to sign your kids up for sports teams. They’ll build strong muscles and bones by being active, make friends and...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Bone Fractures: How PT Helps
The process of healing a bone fracture is most commonly determined by the type of bone fracture that occurred. Helping us understand...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Camping Safety: 3 Easy Tips for Protecting Your Back
Ah the great outdoors! Summer is here! Let the camping adventures begin! Sitting by the fire with friends and family, roasting...
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