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Tel: 586-779-8892
​ & Occupational
23161 Greater Mack Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Balance & Falls: Why We Fall, How We Improve
The majority of older adults will develop a balance issue that can result in a fall. In fact, 1/3 of people over the age of 65 and almost...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Gray Sky Blues: Movement & Mood!
Waking up day after day to dark cloudy skies, can impact not only your mood, but also your movement. At a time when it becomes even more...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
What is Dementia? How Does Rehabilitation Therapy Help?
Getting older can be scary. We worry about weaker bones and osteoporosis. We worry about losing our balance and falling, which can lead...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Can You Improve Your Memory As You Age?
We all have skips in our memory from time to time — misplacing our keys, forgetting an event or appointment, or failing to remember the...
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