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Tel: 586-779-8892
​ & Occupational
23161 Greater Mack Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Vertigo & Dizziness: Important Insight
Dizziness, imbalance and vertigo are symptoms that can challenge everyday activities. It may become difficult to concentrate, hard to...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Balance & Falls: Why We Fall, How We Improve
The majority of older adults will develop a balance issue that can result in a fall. In fact, 1/3 of people over the age of 65 and almost...

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Prevent Falls, Enjoy a Full Life!
Have you seen our most recent video? If so, then you understand that falling isn't a "normal" part of aging, as is often assumed. Part...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
4 Types of Exercise: What Works Best for You?
​When it comes to exercise, one size doesn’t fit all. The exercise you choose is influenced by your health, lifestyle, work hours,...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Why is Good Balance So Important? What You Need to Know
Why is good balance so important?  The reason can be summed up in one word: CONTROL. Think about it… we balance our checkbook – or lose...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
What is Dementia? How Does Rehabilitation Therapy Help?
Getting older can be scary. We worry about weaker bones and osteoporosis. We worry about losing our balance and falling, which can lead...
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