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Tel: 586-779-8892
​ & Occupational
23161 Greater Mack Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

David Gilboe & Associates
1 min read
Prevent Falls, Enjoy a Full Life!
Have you seen our most recent video? If so, then you understand that falling isn't a "normal" part of aging, as is often assumed. Part...

David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Your Smart Phone Could Be Rapidly Aging Your Spine
Chances are that you probably haven’t given much thought to how your neck and back are faring in the era of the smart phone, but studies...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Why is Good Balance So Important? What You Need to Know
Why is good balance so important?  The reason can be summed up in one word: CONTROL. Think about it… we balance our checkbook – or lose...
David Gilboe & Associates
2 min read
Can You Improve Your Memory As You Age?
We all have skips in our memory from time to time — misplacing our keys, forgetting an event or appointment, or failing to remember the...
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